In Honor of John S. Moseley

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Walt Whitman
All, all for immortality,
Love like the light silently wrapping all.

Walt Whitman

My father, John S. Moseley (1947-1991) was an English teacher at Half Hollow Hills High School East from the autumn of 1970 until his tragic early death. He was beloved and esteemed by all who knew him. Over the years I have received a number of notes and emails from former students telling me how positively my father influenced their lives. I am always profoundly grateful for these messages. Now, one of his former students has chosen to honor him in a very special way: Ms. Jenny Lee has purchased a memorial bench at the Walt Whitman Birthplace to honor his memory. All his friends and former students are very welcome. The bench will be unveiled at a dedication ceremony. I will be reading several poems in honor of John Moseley. Please join us for refreshments, conversation and poetry.

The Walt Whitman Birthplace
246 Old Walt Whitman Road
West Hills, NY 11746

2 thoughts on “In Honor of John S. Moseley

  1. Marlene Flanagan says:

    I was a colleague of your father’s and am so delighted to see the wonderful woman you are. I will be there to honor your father and you. I would like to be sure it it is Saturday or Sunday, Oct 22 or 23. Please let me know.
    I am so looking forward to meeting you again.
    With great admiration,
    Marlene Flanagan, HS Math teacher 1970-1995

  2. Annabelle Moseley says:

    Thank you, Marlene, for your kind words. The event will be on Sunday, October 23rd, starting at 3:30 PM. I am also looking forward to meeting you again.

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