Toward Forgiveness: An Anthology of Poems

Poetry of mine has been included in Toward Forgiveness : An Anthology of Poems, edited by Gayl Teller, Nassau County Poet Laureate (2009-2011), and published by Writers Ink Press.

Toward Forgiveness began with the “Poetry of Forgiveness Workshop and Anthology Project,” which catalyzed participants’ stirring and personal revelations, cathartic sharing, and original poems, with ripples of those heartfelt dialogues spreading out across the Island’s flowing poetry venues…. Ninety-nine poets, including five Long Island poet laureates are in this moving and important anthology…. If anger and revenge are inherent in our psyches, … these poems are testaments that the thirst and strength for forgiveness are inherent in our psyches, too, and the heroism of world peace is inherent in each ordinary human heart.
-Gayl Teller, from the preface